Welcome to H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry

Mr. Husein Ebrahim Jamal


Prof. Salimuzaman Siddiqui

Mr. Latif Ebrahim Jamal

Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman

Prof. M. Iqbal Choudhary 

Mr. Aziz Latif Jamal

Institutional development is an ongoing process without which scientific establishments cannot sustain the rigor and quality of frontier research. Husein Ebrahim Jamal Research Institute of Chemistry during the last five decades has achieved a number of milestones and remains at the pinnacle of excellence and sustained growth. 

The H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry was established through a generous donation by the leading philanthropist / industrialist Mr. Latif Ebrahim Jamal on behalf of the Husein Ebrahim Jamal Foundation in 1976. This was the largest donation at that time in the history of the country. The institute was accordingly named as “Husein Ebrahim Jamal Research Institute of Chemistry” in the memory of Mr. Husein Ebrahim Jamal.
Emphasis has been on raising the standards of training of scholars in economically relevant fields of chemical and biochemical sciences, and resources mobilization for the future growth in new disciplines of chemical sciences. The positive impact of this prime research center of Pakistan is far reaching and beyond the scope of this brief document. The Institute has the single largest doctoral program in the country with over 350 Ph. D. students. 

The main areas of research and development and training of students include natural product chemistry, protein chemistry, pharmacology, computational medicinal chemistry and plant biotechnology. The analytical, spectroscopic, computational and other facilities present in the institute are at par with any good Institution in the world. The Institute also houses an Industrial Analytical Center, which is providing analytical and consultancy services to over 350 industries in Pakistan annually. 

A number of goal-oriented projects relating to chemistry of natural products, protein chemistry, plant biotechnology and pharmacology of herbal medicines are being vigorously pursued which have led to the award of over 600 doctorate degrees, 200 M. Phil. degrees and 500 M. Sc. degrees, the publications of over 5,000 research papers and over 200 international patents that have earned global recognition.

The areas of research covered in the programs of the Institute broadly relate to isolation, structural, synthetic and pharmacological studies on novel natural products as well as various aspects of protein chemistry. In order to ensure international standards, the doctorate degrees are awarded to students of the Institute on the recommendations of two eminent scientists from abroad after their assessment of the doctoral dissertations referred to them. 

The scientists trained in the Institute are now serving the country and world at large in industry and in various R & D and academic institutions. The quality of the researches being pursued in the institute are reflected from the fact that six Professors of the institute have been awarded D.Sc. degrees (Professor Salimuzaman Siddiqui: Leeds University; Professor Atta-ur-Rahman: Cambridge University, Gomal University and Karachi University; Professor Viqar Uddin Ahmad: Karachi University, Professor Zafar H. Zaidi: Leeds University, Professor Bina S. Siddiqui: Karachi University and Professor M. Iqbal Choudhary: Karachi University), a unique achievement for a research Institute in a developing country. 

The H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry is an integral part of the International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences system (ICCBS) along with the newly established Dr. Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research, governed by the same Executive Board under the chairmanship of the Vice Chancellor, University of Karachi.

Late Mr Latif Ebrahim Jamal, Chairman Ebrahim Jamal Foundation, continuing his patronage to the institute, established the Latif Ebrahim Jamal National Science Information Center in 2005. The beautiful building of this one of the largest paperless libraries of the region was constructed under the direct supervision of Mr. Aziz Jamal S. I. (Current Chairman Husein Ebrahim Jamal Foundation), able and committed son of (Late) Mr. Latif Ebrahim Jamal H.I. . Most recently the Husein Ebrahim Jamal Foundation, under the leadership of Mr. Aziz Latif Jamal S.I., constructing a state-of-the-art LEJ Nanochemistry Center building.