Sindh Forensic DNA and Serology Lab (SFDL)

With increasing reports of crimes in our country, there is an increasing demand for using scientific methods for the analysis of physical evidence. The Sindh Forensic DNA and Serology laboratory (SFDL) is a futuristic laboratory in the province of Sindh, providing all DNA & Serology services. This state of the art facility is build to aid police and prosecution department during investigation and trial using modern technology. With the help of this lab, it is easy for police to gather reliable and probative evidence(s) against a suspect which would help bring justice to him. The mission of this laboratory is to deliver justice to everyone without any bias and delay.

Proper investigation of the crime scene is very crucial step in forensic DNA analysis. It is said that forensic evidence is always present at crime scene; it is human error if not recovered. Concerning about this, SFDL has also intending to train the Investigating officers, Medico legal Officers and prosecutors. Proper collection of evidence from crime scene will be our objective theoretically and through Mock crime scenes.

Mission of this advance laboratory is to make a peaceful environment of our province where justice would prevail everywhere.

Mission Statement

Salient Features

Types of Cases

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